
CleverRaccoonDogisaNorthKoreananimatedtelevisionseriesproducedbySEKStudiowhichairedonNorthKoreanstatetelevision.Theserieswasproduced ...,Namedforitsraccoon-likefacemarkings,itismostcloselyrelatedtofoxes.Commonraccoondogsfeedonmanyanimalsandplantmatter,andareunusualamong ...,TheJapaneseraccoondog(Nyctereutesviverrinus),isaspeciesofcanidendemictoJapan.ItisoneoftwospeciesinthegenusNyctereutes,alo...

Clever Raccoon Dog

Clever Raccoon Dog is a North Korean animated television series produced by SEK Studio which aired on North Korean state television. The series was produced ...

Common raccoon dog

Named for its raccoon-like face markings, it is most closely related to foxes. Common raccoon dogs feed on many animals and plant matter, and are unusual among ...

Japanese raccoon dog

The Japanese raccoon dog (Nyctereutes viverrinus), is a species of canid endemic to Japan. It is one of two species in the genus Nyctereutes, alongside the ...


Nyctereutes is a genus of canid which includes only two extant species, both known as raccoon dogs: the common raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) and ...

Raccoon Dog

Raccoon dogs are fox-like in build, but with shorter legs and tail. They have a dark patch on the side of the face, similar to a raccoon's facial markings.

Raccoon Dog

株式會社Raccoon Dog(日語:株式会社ラクーンドッグ)是一家位於日本東京都新宿區四谷的聲優經紀公司。

Raccoon Dog

株式会社Raccoon Dog(日语:株式会社ラクーンドッグ)是一家位于日本东京都新宿区四谷的声优经纪公司。

貉(學名:Nyctereutes procyonoides),又稱貉子、狸,犬科動物,棕灰色毛,耳朵短小,嘴尖,兩頰長有長毛。生活在山林中,晝伏夜出,以魚蝦和鼠兔為食。

貉(学名:Nyctereutes procyonoides),又称貉子、狸,犬科动物,棕灰色毛,耳朵短小,嘴尖,两颊长有长毛。生活在山林中,昼伏夜出,以鱼虾和鼠兔为食。